Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get my books?
Downloading your books is a quick and easy process. I have partnered with BookFunnel for seamless eBook delivery to any eReader.
Immediately upon purchase, you will receive an email from BookFunnel with the link(s) to your book(s). If you don’t see it right away, check your spam folder to ensure it didn't land there. (Be sure you are checking the email address that you entered when you made your purchase.)
You can also find all your purchased books at any time by clicking here: Take me to my Angela K. Ryan books.
If you have any trouble at all, simply email Jamie at, and she will walk you through the simple process.
Do Angela’s books need to be read in a specific order?
It's best to read the books within an individual series in order.
While the series themselves can be read in any order, it’s worth noting that the Seaside Ice Cream Shop Mysteries series is a spin off from the Sapphire Beach series. You will meet Anna (the M.C. in the Seaside Ice Cream Shop Mysteries) in Book 12 of Sapphire Beach series.
Also, you will meet Heather (the M.C. in the Cape Cod Cozy Mysteries) in Book 7 of Seaside Ice Cream Shop Mysteries.
For the optimal reader order, click here.
What is a cozy mystery?
It was years before I realized that the types of mysteries I loved to read and watch had their own genre!
Cozy mysteries, affectionately called cozies, are known for their clean, lighthearted, and often humorous tone. Set in small, close-knit communities with charming settings and endearing characters, the protagonist is typically an amateur sleuth—often an ordinary woman with a unique profession or hobby. For instance, my characters include a humanitarian jewelry maker, a former counselor turned ice cream shop owner, and a woman with amnesia who works in the gift shop of a Cape Cod inn. They become involved in solving crimes out of curiosity or personal connections.
Cozies steer clear of explicit violence and graphic details. They prioritize puzzle-solving over dwelling on grisly aspects of a crime and are filled with characters you’d love to have as friends, including lovable pets. Most cozy mysteries are part of a series, enabling you to follow the same amateur detective through various adventures in the same community.
And of course, justice always prevails in the end!
How can I contact Angela?
Whether you have a question, concern, or would just like to reach out to say, “hi,” the best way to contact me is via email at